database class later var $id; var $username; var $password; var $email; var $lastlogin; var $online; var $money; var $curcharacter; var $banned; var $database; //these values are for our database queries var $table; var $where; //these are arrays we keep for this member var $characters = array(); //a list of all characters they own var $map = array(); //this is the current map they're on in the game //with whatever character they're using to play /************** * Default constructor, load this member's information * Remember, this always has to match the name of the class **************/ function member($id) { global $_SESSION; if (!$id || !is_Numeric($id)) //don't try to do any of this if there's no id number return null; $this->id = $id; $this->database = &$_SESSION['database']; //now we have the database connection $this->table = "members"; //the name of the table we're using in our database when we //run any queries on members $this->where = "WHERE id='$this->id'"; //we always want records from members with this ID //now we use the database class we made to pull in all the information about this member $this->username = $this->database->single("username", $this->table, $this->where); $this->password = $this->database->single("password", $this->table, $this->where); $this->email = $this->database->single("email", $this->table, $this->where); $this->lastlogin = $this->database->single("lastlogin", $this->table, $this->where); $this->online = $this->database->single("online", $this->table, $this->where); $this->money = $this->database->single("money", $this->table, $this->where); $this->curcharacter = $this->database->single("curcharacter", $this->table, $this->where); $this->banned = $this->database->single("banned", $this->table, $this->where); //last but not least, we have to load any characters they have //this uses a function in the database class I never talked about before //it goes through the database and finds the ID number of every character they own //then it creates a character object for each of those characters they own and puts //them into an array. Finally, it returns that array to the character class so we can //view all of the players characters. $this->characters = $this->database->loadArray("id", "characters", "WHERE memberid='$this->id'", "character"); //!!!!! To really get an understanding of what this does, I suggest you uncomment the line //below and see what happens. It will print out all the information on each character the //member owns. //print_r($this->characters); //we know which character they were last on, make this character object active again if ($this->curcharacter) $this->curcharacter = findObject($this->characters, $this->curcharacter); //first time character has been loaded, they're on a wall spot, they need to move if (getValue($this->curcharacter->x, $this->curcharacter->y, $this->curcharacter->mapid, $this->curcharacter->z) == "W") { $this->curcharacter->x = startPositionX($this->curcharacter->mapid, $this->curcharacter->z); $this->curcharacter->y = startPositionY($this->curcharacter->mapid, $this->curcharacter->z); } } //end default constructor /************** * The member has supplied the correct login information, log them into the game **************/ function login() { //have they ever logged in before if (!$this->lastlogin) $this->sendPassword(); //if not, let's welcome them to our site! //remember to update the object value //get the current date from mysql $this->lastlogin = $this->database->date(); //and the database value for the field $this->database->update($this->table, "lastlogin='$this->lastlogin'", $this->where); $this->online = true; $this->database->update($this->table, "online='$this->online'", $this->where); //make all their character's active now that they're online $this->database->update("characters", "active='1'", "WHERE memberid='$this->id'"); //set their current character to the top one in the array if (!$this->curcharacter->id) { $this->curcharacter = $this->characters[0]; $this->database->update($this->table, "curcharacter=" . $this->curcharacter->id, $this->where); } } /************** * The member is leaving the game **************/ function logout() { $this->online = false; $this->database->update($this->table, "online='$this->online'", $this->where); //make all their character's active now that they're online $this->database->update("characters", "active=0", "WHERE memberid='$this->id'"); } /************** * The member forgot their login information **************/ function sendPassword() { $subject = "Pits of Doom -- Lost Password"; $from = ""; //our email address $from_name = "Jade"; //the name you want to show up next to your email address $to = $this->email; //we want to send this message to their email address $to_name = $this->username; //this gives them a nice reply-to option //and lets us put their name on the email "to" section $header = "From: $from_name <$from>\r\n To: $to_name <$to>\r\n"; //this will be formatted exactly how it looks here in the email that's sent $message = "Welcome to Pits of Doom! Username: $this->username Password: $this->password This is an automated message, please do not respond to it (oh and I hate spam so none of that either!)"; //now we can use the built in php function to send out email //remember your server must have a mail service turned on //and setup in your php.ini file in order for this to work mail($to, $subject, $message, $header); //mail command :) return successMsg("Your login information was sent to: $this->email"); } } //end the members class ?>