lang="en-US"> 10th Anniversary Scavenger Hunt –, LLC

10th Anniversary Scavenger Hunt

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of White Oak Stables we’ll be having a special scavenger hunt day on September 25th, 2010. All throughout the day you’ll have a chance to win game money, game credits, and prizes in our lottery. For each question you find and answer correctly you’ll get lottery tickets. Non-upgraded members get 1 ticket for each correct answer, small/medium/large upgraded members get 2 tickets, and blue ribbon and racetrack owners get 3 tickets. The more questions you find and answer the better chance you’ll have winning a lottery prizes: horse stickers, a horse necklace, WOS journal, WOS T-shirt, 101 Arena Exercises Book, IRH Riding Helmet, 4 FREE upgrades, and a $100 gift certificate to

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