Pet Game Framework
Want your own customizable pet game with the push of a button? The wait is finally over! Our pet game framework is one low, affordable price with an unbeatable amount of functionality and easily customizable.
- 5 pets with layered PSD files
- 9 items with layered PSD files
- Detailed code coverage reports
- PHPUnit tests
- ERD diagram
- Fully documented code base
- 50 themes included
- HTML5 responsive layout
- Desktop view
- Mobile view
- Grass theme
- Darkly theme
- Superhero theme
- Royal theme
- PDF user manual included
- PDF programming guide included
- Game Installer
- Game Installer
- Game Installer
- Game Installer
- Built in Debugger
- Player Messages
- Player Inventory
- Competitions
- Competitions
- Stores
- Namespaced
- Fully Documented
- File system caching
- PHP Documentor
- PHP Documentor
- OOP Heirarchy Diagram
- Responsive Player Account
- Responsive Newpspaer
- Admin Panel – Newspaper
- Journal
- Bank
- Customizable calendar widget
- Customizable time widget
- Customizable color picker widget
- Friends List
- Pet Page Template: Preview
- Pet Page Template: Rendered
- Editable species
- Dynamic image layers
- Editable breeds
- Genetics system
- Editable traits
- Editable abilities
- Tested with different versions of php and mysql
Games Using Our Framework
Don’t see your game on the list? Email us your game logo and we will add a link.
See It In Action
The demo is currently unavailable, this project is still in development. When it is done a demo will be provided with the join functionality disabled so you can use the login information provided below to see what the game looks like depending on your permissions and account status.
Admin | Staff | Moderator | Normal Player | Kicked Player | Banned Player |
User: Admin Pass: Admin |
User: Staff Pass: Staff |
User: Mod Pass: Mod |
User: Player Pass: Player |
User: Kicked Pass: Kicked |
User: Banned Pass: Banned |
Software Requirements
- Hosting Provider
- Domain Name
- PHP 5 or higher
- GD library must be enabled for dynamic images
- MySQL 5 or higher
- MySQLi support must be enabled
- Apache 2 or higher
- mcrypt, openssl, rewrite, deflate, filter and caching enabled
- Easy Installer
- Upload the files and you’ll be walked through the installation process
- Includes 5 pets, 9 items and default game configuration data to get you started
- Documentation
- Fully documented code base
- PDF help file
- Section for owners
- Section for developers
- Protocol Support
- Http or Https
- Optimization
- Follows PSR standards
- Stash filesystem caching to reduce database load
- PHPDocumentor code comments
- PHPUnit tests
- Full code coverage
- Mod-rewrites for easy to remember URLs
- Dynamically loaded javascript files
- Dynamically loaded css stylesheets
- Layouts
- Bootstrap 3.5
- Fully responsive for websites, tablets and phones
- Customizable style sheets
- Customizable meta data
- Customizable player and pet pages
- Customizable icons
- customizable icon animations
- 3 page arrangements
- TinyMCE WYSIWYG editors
- Font Awesome icons
- 50 color themes
- Multi-Language Support
- Languages files included
- English
- Spanish
- Italian
- German
- French
- Danish
- Swedish
- Russian
- Romanian
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Set a default game language
- Allow players to switch the game language if multiple are enabled
- 71 languages officially supported
- Languages files included
- PayPal Payments Integration
- Manual payments
- IPN Automated payments
- Payment reports and transaction log
- Permissions System
- Administrators – full game customization and moderation functionality
- Staff – limited game customization and moderation functionality
- Moderators – only moderation functionality
- Players – a user with no additional permissions
- Customizable to add additional permission groups
- Extensive Admin Panel
- Manage the game, pets and players without any programming knowledge
- Custom Emails
- Join/lost password email
- Mass emails players
- General Gameplay
- Generate alpha accounts
- Open/close joining the game
- Open/close the entire game
- Daily/hourly cron jobs
- Toggle entire game functionality
- Genetics
- Dynamic Images (only if GD support enabled)
- Clubs
- Player Shows
- Players
- Toggle multiple accounts
- Username
- Player name
- Avatar
- Referral system
- Encrypted passwords
- Player editable page
- Upgrades
- Inventory
- Shops
- Pets
- Custom breeds
- Custom colors
- Custom traits
- strength, speed, etc
- Custom attributes
- health, energy, etc
- Custom genetics
- Dynamic images (only if GD support enabled)
- Items
- Equippable
- Consumable
- Breeding
- Customizable % of traits passed down to offspring
- Single offspring or litters
- Offspring List
- Pedigree
- Competitions
- Training
- Sales/Auction
- Shelter
- Rescue
- Abandon
- Upgrades
- Enter special competitions
- Access to upgraded forums
- Custom avatar image
- Access to player journal
- Higher allowance
- Higher bank interest
- Monthly special item
- Licenses
- Limit the number of pets a player can own
- Search
- Pets
- Players
- Items
- Competitions
- Mail
- In game messages
- Friends List
- Quick access to the player’s friends
- Blocked List
- Allows player to block other users from messaging them or responding to their posts
- Bank
- Allowance
- Interest
- Savings
- Transaction log
- Clubs
- Elections for president and vice president
- Customizable page
- Can create shows
- Pets/players can join
- Hall of Fame
- Players
- Pets
- Message boards
- Categories
- Topics
- Sticky posts
- Bump posts
- Recent posts
- Active topics
- Newspaper
- Comments
- Up vote/down vote
- Polls
- PHP Chat Room
- Mini Games
- Hangman
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- Guess the Number
- Pong
- Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock
Pre-Order Now!
PGF is nearly finished, order it today and you’ll receive a digital download link as soon as it’s completed and you’ll also get early access to the code repository with the framework in progress. Allow 24-48 hours for your email address to be added to the repository — you will receive an email invitation from BitBucket that will grant you access to the files. If you don’t see this email please check your spam folder or contact us.