lang="en-US"> MySQL Tutorial: Put table column schema enum values in an array –, LLC

MySQL Tutorial: Put table column schema enum values in an array

I hate hard coding enums so you can use this script to get the enum values directly from the table schema. That way if you add or change them you don’t have to go update all of your hard coded nonsense.

$table = "your_table_name";
$field = "field_in_your_tablename";
$sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$table}";
 $result = mysql_query($sql)
 or die (mysql_error());
 while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
     if ($row['Field'] == $field)
           $values = $row['Type'];
 //remove the formatting around the values
 $enum_array = explode("','", substr($values, 6, strlen($values)-8));
 //here are the enum items on your table

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