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Pits Of Doom Update

Don’t think I’ve forgotten about the game tutorial!! I haven’t. I’ve been really busy at work and trying to get a new site ready for its BETA opening. Blah. Anyways, I’m almost done will...

4 Server Problem

Hey guys, for anyone whose reading this I want to let you know we’re having some Apache problems with the server. I upgraded it last night and it’s gone all funky for just my...


Video Gamers: Reflection of Society

Games in Culture I’m not a guy, but I have lots of male gamer friends. My experiences amongst them have taught me they like games that are fast paced, action packed, and trigger happy....


Lesson 4: Pits of Doom — And Array We Go

In the last lesson we covered how to create a function, how to use some of php’s built in functions, and how to deal with sessions. Now we’ll take it even a step further....


Pits of Doom Lesson 6: MySQL Database Class

In the last lesson I introduced you to functions, reading & writing to a file, some simple javascript and adding features to the game so we could swap in/out maps and move up/down map...


Lesson 3: Pits of Doom — Mixing Things Up

In the last lesson we covered how to make a form, check to see if a button has been pressed, and display a message according to whether the user found the treasure or not....


Lesson 2: Pits of Doom — Breaking It Down

One of the best things to do if you’ve never made a game before or you don’t have much programming experience is to break things down into their most basic parts. We’ll start off...


Lesson 1: Pits of Doom — the planning stage

Before you start any kind of online game you need to take a minute to sit down and consider some of the following questions: What is my game called? What is my target audience?...


Pits of Doom Lesson 5: Easy Map Editor

In the last lesson we made some real progress. Now, instead of having a boring page with a click of one button before the game is over, we have a character that can move...