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Headlines Blog


How Do I Get Started Making An Online Game?

This is something I’ve been asked fairly often. If you’re interested in starting your own online game here’s a few things to get you moving in the right direction. What game are you going...


Cygwin .bashrc file

I’ve been working on my .bashrc file so I thought I would share. # To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all # copyright and related and neighboring rights to this...


Useful Linux Commands

Locate PHP error logs on the server grep ‘error_log’ /etc/php.ini | awk -F= ‘{ print $2; }’ Restart your bash_profile . ~/.bash_profile Change to your home directory cd ~ View your history history 50...


Google Maps Tutorial: You Are Here in 3 Easy Steps

I’ve been playing with Google maps lately and I thought I would share this little tidbit. It still needs some refinement (ie fetching your location from IP for non-html5 compliant browsers and letting you...


Angular UI Tutorial: TinyMCE Directive

This is a really useful plunker that allows you to integrate tinyMCE into your angular projects as a directive. You can apply the WYSIWYG to multiple textareas on a page or in angular UI...