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Tagged: CSS


Javascript Property Names for CSS getElementById

document.getElementById(“id_name_here”) = your_value_here; CSS Property JavaScript Equivalent background background background-attachment backgroundAttachment background-color backgroundColor background-image backgroundImage background-position backgroundPosition background-repeat backgroundRepeat border border border-bottom borderBottom border-bottom-color borderBottomColor border-bottom-style borderBottomStyle border-bottom-width borderBottomWidth border-color borderColor border-left borderLeft border-left-color...


Web Design FIX: Opera & Safari Links Always Red

So this is probably the stupidest thing ever. If you’re importing files into your page and for some reason one of those files doesn’t exist, Opera/Safari generate a 404 page not found error. This...


CSS Javascript Properties

document.getElementById(“id_name_here”).style property = whatever; CSS Property JavaScript Equivalent background background background-attachment backgroundAttachment background-color backgroundColor background-image backgroundImage background-position backgroundPosition background-repeat backgroundRepeat border border border-bottom borderBottom border-bottom-color borderBottomColor border-bottom-style borderBottomStyle border-bottom-width borderBottomWidth border-color borderColor border-left borderLeft...


CHM & PDF Programming Manuals

I know these have come in handy for me over the years. Right click and save link as. AJAX – chm Pragmatic AJAX – pdf Allegro 4.2.1 – chm C++ Addison Reference – chm...