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Tagged: MySQL


Pits of Doom Lesson 5: Easy Map Editor

In the last lesson we made some real progress. Now, instead of having a boring page with a click of one button before the game is over, we have a character that can move...


Pits of Doom Lesson 4: And Array We Go

In the last lesson we covered how to create a function, how to use some of php’s built in functions, and how to deal with sessions. Now we’ll take it even a step further....


Pits of Doom Lesson 2: Breaking It Down

One of the best things to do if you’ve never made a game before or you don’t have much programming experience is to break things down into their most basic parts. We’ll start off...


Pits Of Doom Lesson 1: Planning Stage

Before you start any kind of online game you need to take a minute to sit down and consider some of the following questions: What is my game called? What is my target audience?...


Learning PHP (Part 3)

In part 2 I covered else-if statements and more complicated if statements. One of the other concepts that’s essential to learning any kind of programming is loops. There are three different types of loops...


Libmysql.dll Download

Okay so I might as well post this one too. You can download it, just save file as.


Connecting to a MySQL Database Using PHP

You would think this is really obvious but I see a TON of posts on (great php/mysql site) where people include their database login/password in every page from a non-protected directory. Big no...