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Tagged: Tutorial


HTML5 Tutorial: Simple Music Player

So this is a pretty simple example but I was playing around with flash for my chat room and this was byproduct of that experimentation. It’s funny how even when I’m trying to learn...


PHP Tutorial: Searching and Pagination

In the work that I’ve done for clients and just in browsing the web I’ve seen a fair amount of strange pagination scripts out there. If you’re looking for a simple pagination solution then...


MySQL Tutorial: A Beginners Guide

So, what is a database? If you think you’ve never used a database before you’re wrong. Are you online right now reading this post?? Guess what, you’re reading information from a database. You can...


PHP Tutorial: Easy SQL Injection Prevention

I’ve noticed on several client games I’ve worked on recently that instead of creating a global cleaning function to prevent SQL injections they’re wrapping mysql_real_escape_string() calls around everything. Sure, putting this function around any...