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MSSQL Tutorial: Delete All But 1 Duplicate Records

declare @id int, @total int /* SELECT COUNT OF POTENTIAL DUPLICATES */ select id, count(id) from [tablename] where [parameters] group by [column name] /* LOOP TO CLEAN UP THE DUPLICATES */ declare aff_crsr cursor...


SQL Tutorial: Select, Update & Delete Syntax

Select Statements General Syntax SELECT [column], [column], [column] FROM [tablename] WHERE [column] = [value] Select All Columns SELECT * FROM [tablename] Limit # of Records Returned – MSSQL SELECT TOP [number] * FROM [tablename]...


HTML Tutorial: A Crash Course In Tables

It amazes me how many people proclaim to be programmers but they can’t even write simple HTML code. Sooo, this post is in response to all the would be web developers out there who...


PHP Tutorial: Learning PHP (Part 3)

In Part 2 I covered else-if statements and more complicated if statements. One of the other concepts that’s essential to learning any kind of programming is loops. There are three different types of loops...


Pits of Doom Lesson 6: MySQL Database Class

In the last lesson I introduced you to functions, reading & writing to a file, some simple javascript and adding features to the game so we could swap in/out maps and move up/down map...


Pits of Doom Lesson 5: Easy Map Editor

In the last lesson we made some real progress. Now, instead of having a boring page with a click of one button before the game is over, we have a character that can move...


Pits of Doom Lesson 4: And Array We Go

In the last lesson we covered how to create a function, how to use some of php’s built in functions, and how to deal with sessions. Now we’ll take it even a step further....