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Tagged: Tutorial


Pits of Doom Lesson 2: Breaking It Down

One of the best things to do if you’ve never made a game before or you don’t have much programming experience is to break things down into their most basic parts. We’ll start off...


Pits Of Doom Lesson 1: Planning Stage

Before you start any kind of online game you need to take a minute to sit down and consider some of the following questions: What is my game called? What is my target audience?...


Allegro Tutorial: Threading

Here is a link to threading in Linux. That will be very interesting as my Linux skills are still fairly limited at this point! But in the meantime I conned this Windows example of...


SecondLife Tutorial: Working Elevator

I found code from another person in the SL wiki and tweaked it to my liking. It had some issues with coming back down after the SL avatar was on top of the elevator...


Real World SecondLife Crimes: Virtual Rape & Pornography

I found a really interesting article in the Washington Post and I thought I’d share it. Apparently there have been an increasing number of crimes in second life. This article talks about a virtual...