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Headlines Blog

0 to Attend East Coast Games Summit

It’s time to be out and about! will be attending the upcoming VGXPO at the Pennsylvania Convention Center on November 22nd and 23rd. Hopefully we’ll get a change to talk face to face...


CSS Javascript Properties

document.getElementById(“id_name_here”).style property = whatever; CSS Property JavaScript Equivalent background background background-attachment backgroundAttachment background-color backgroundColor background-image backgroundImage background-position backgroundPosition background-repeat backgroundRepeat border border border-bottom borderBottom border-bottom-color borderBottomColor border-bottom-style borderBottomStyle border-bottom-width borderBottomWidth border-color borderColor border-left borderLeft...


Useful AJAX Functions

/************** * Purpose: initalize ajax * Precondition: none * Postcondition: ajax xmlhttp object running **************/ //global variables var xmlhttp = false; //initalize ajax var queryString; //check if we’re using IE try {   xmlhttp...


BioShock: Graphic Violence in Video Games

Since when have playing games become all about how much blood sprays your screen when you bash someone over the head with a tire iron? Just this weekend I was over at my Cousin’s...


Lesson 7: Pits of Doom — Join, Login & Lost Password

In the last lesson we created a database class to make doing queries quick and easy to handle. Then we converted over the current character file and map editor to use the database when...


Useful PHP Functions

I ask myself why type the same thing over and over again when you can just use one function call? I’ve seen a lot of people do that, so stop it! Save yourself the...


Lesson 6: Pits of Doom — MySQL Database Class

In the last lesson I introduced you to functions, reading & writing to a file, some simple javascript and adding features to the game so we could swap in/out maps and move up/down map...


Lesson 5: Pits of Doom — Easy Map Editor

In the last lesson we made some real progress. Now, instead of having a boring page with a click of one button before the game is over, we have a character that can move...